The Australian National Academy of Music is a national
centre of excellence for the further development of musicians with
outstanding talent, capability and dedication, and who aspire to
significant national and international performing careers. The Australian
National Academy of Music offers a vital element in the performance
training of young elite Australian musicians through its Advanced
Performance Program and its Mastercourse and Masterclass programs.
Australian National Academy of Music student musicians:
Shaun Lee-Chen
From: Western Australia Age: 21
Anna Rogachevsky
From: Victoria
Age: 21
Adele Larner
From: New South Wales
Age: 23
Kristian Winther
From: ACT
Age: 16
Jessica Looi
From: South Australia
Age: 18
Marianne Broadfoot
From: Victoria
Age: 19
Michael Robertson
From: Victoria
Age: 23
Airlie Smart
From: Victoria
Age: 20
Timothy Willson
From: ACT
Age: 23
Linda Lin
From: Victoria
Age: 18
Rowena Crouch
From: New South Wales
Age: 21
Simon Cobcroft
From: Queensland
Age: 21
RHAPSODY IN MOTION Student Reflections
"It's hugely important to think about this issue (Federation).
As a generation it is important to consider our origins, historically
what has happened to indigenous people and to include that point
of view in the celebration of Federation.
"A sense of belonging is important to everyone. A project such
as this gives you the chance to actually think about it and not
only for yourself but in the broader context of society.
"We spend a lot of hours every day practising to perfect our
playing. It's fantastic to be involved in a community project where
we can use our skills to hopefully say something really positive.
"It's great to be working with such a broad range of people.
We don't often get to work with dancers and poets. It's particularly
exciting to be able to work with living composers. It really is
a chance for us to branch out and do something we might not normally
"I hadn't really given Federation a lot of thought. However,
this project has changed that. As a performer, I believe you need
to understand what it is you are trying to say. In this instance
I need to determine my thoughts about Federation, what it means
and also think of the future."